Inspired by God’s unconditional love for all people we at St Martin’s: What are we going to do to work towards achieving the Vision Statement?
- Offer a space where surprising encounters can happen with each other and with God.
- Ensure that people of all ages and backgrounds can feel welcome and safe in our church.
- Hold ourselves and others to account, challenging injustice and inequality wherever we find them.
- Nurture the human spirit through acts of friendship, invitation, supportive prayer and worship.
Mission and outreach
- To work with schools and local organisations to bring the Good News to people beyond the church
- To develop a series of services and events which could attract new people of all ages to St Martin’s
- To offer a diversity of worship on Sundays and throughout the week.
- Ensure that all worship strives to be inclusive, recognising that we are loved equally by God
- To seek to lead and undertake worship to the best of people’s abilities.
- Worship supported by a mixture of traditional and modern settings and hymns.
- To maintain an “open” policy for occasional offices
Spiritual Development
- Through House Groups and study days
- Preaching and teaching in services
- Encouraging people to share their thoughts over refreshments after the service
- To ensure that the Safeguarding policy is adhered to at all times
- To ensure that St Martin’s is a safe environment for all people
- To make Safeguarding one of the core issues of St Martin’s Church
- To use Safeguarding
Pastoral Care
- Overseen by Ministry Team, but not exclusively undertaken by them
Social outreach and social action
- To develop relationships with local charities and organisations and school and to see what we can do as a Christian Community to help with their activities.
- To work towards becoming an Eco Church as recognised by A Rocha UK
- Commit to a balanced budget
- Commit to paying Parish Share in full
- Commit to a giving day and appraising of giving once a year
- Commit to an organised way of supporting local, national and international charities
- To be quick to realise where there is an urgent and sudden need and respond in a responsible way to a recognised charity working in the field
The Building
- Continue to develop ways of using the building for non-worship activities to encourage people to enter the church
- To commit to keeping the building in good order as per the relevant Quinquennial Report
- Consider any new plans for the fabric of the building to encourage growth of the Church and develop this Mission Action Plan
- A copy of the current Ministry Action Plan for the Parish of Worle: St Martin will be available on the Communications Table in St Martin’s Church and on the Parish Web Site
- Commitment to both electronic and printed forms of communication
- It is proposed that the Mission Action Plan should be reviewed annually at the Annual Meeting, with a commitment to keeping the Vision Statement and the Plan until 2028 unless it is thought unanimously by the PCC that it needs reviewing before that.