St Martin's Church

Tel: 07808832530

The office is open in church Monday and Friday mornings 9am to 12noon

Title Author Date Recorded File Size
New Humanity Rev Gilly Bunce 21st July 2024 6.36 MB
Sermon for 8th Sunday after Trinity. Mark 6: 30-34, Ephesians 2: 11-22
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Between a rock and a hard place Rev Gilly Bunce 14th July 2024 6.46 MB
Sermon for 7th Sunday after Trinity. Mark 6: 14-29 and Ephesians 1: 3-14
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Giving Yvonne Criddle (Reader) 30th June 2024 13.37 MB
Sermon for 5th Sunday after Trinity. 2 Corinthians: 7-end, Mark 5: 21-end.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The Kingdom of God Rev Gilly Bunce 16th June 2024 7.76 MB
Sermon for Trinity 3: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17 and Mark 4: 26-34.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Moving on Rev Gilly Bunce 9th June 2024 6.74 MB
Sermon for 2nd Sunday of Trinity. 2 Corinthians 4: 13-5:1, Mark 3: 20-end. Jesus' family are concerned about his ministry but He is moving on.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Pentecost - The Spirit is With Us Rev Gilly Bunce 19th May 2024 5.86 MB
Sermon for Pentecost Sunday - the birth of the Church and our ongoing Mission
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
We are One Rev Jon Ormrod 12th May 2024 6.53 MB
Sermon for 7th Sunday of Easter. Acts 1: 15-17, 21-end; John 17: 6-19. Reflecting on the days after Jesus' resurrection and how the Christian Faith has grown 'though many, we are One'
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
God prepares the Way Yvonne Criddle (Reader) 28th April 2024 13.49 MB
Sermon for 5th Sunday of Easter. Acts 8: 26 to end, John 15: 1-8
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The Good Shepherd (Ministers Annual Report for 2023) Rev Jon Ormrod 21st April 2024 8.17 MB
Vicar Jon delivers his annual report reviewing 2023 and reflects on Jesus' parable of the Good Shepherd.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Turned Upside Down (Trust in God) Rev Gilly Bunce 14th April 2024 7.46 MB
Sermon for third Sunday of Easter. Reflecting on the Disciples response to Jesus re-appearing among them and how we should respond to Upheaval in our own lives. Luke 24:36b-48, Acts 3: 12-19.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
New Life (Easter & Baptism) Rev Jon Ormrod 31st March 2024 4.61 MB
Sermon for Easter Day 10am service, including Baptism.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
We would see Jesus Rev Gilly Bunce 17th March 2024 5.65 MB
Sermon for 10am Communion, 5th Sunday in Lent. John 12:20-33.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Mothering Sunday (in safe hands) Vicar Jon & Yvonne Criddle 10th March 2024 17.4 MB
Sermon for Mothering Sunday 10am Service. Reflecting on how Mothers (and God) keep us safe and let us thrive!
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Words and Action Rev Jon Ormrod 3rd March 2024 7.36 MB
Sermon for 3rd Sunday of Lent. Ps 19: 7-14, 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, John 2: 13-22
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Who do you say I am ? Yvonne Criddle (Reader) 25th February 2024 12.37 MB
Sermon for second Sunday of Lent. Mark 8: 31-end.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Lent - into the wilderness Rev Gilly Bunce 18th February 2024 7.74 MB
Sermon for first Sunday of Lent. Mark1: 9-15
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Transfiguration Rev Jon Ormrod 11th February 2024 5.85 MB
Sermon on Sunday before Lent (Jesus Transfiguration). As we prepare for Lent, we are encouraged to transform our lives.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The names of Jesus Vicar Jon & Yvonne Criddle 4th February 2024 4.02 MB
Interactive talk for All Age Worship where Vicar Jon and Yvonne consider the names of Jesus and his Word and what that means for us today.
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