St Martin's Church

Tel: 07808832530

The office is open in church Monday and Friday mornings 9am to 12noon

Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Trust (in the future and Rev Jon Ormrod 18th September 2022 7.69 MB
Sermon for 14th Sunday after Trinity. 1 Timothy 12-17, Luke 15: 1-10. Vicar Jon explores the parable of the dishonest servant.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The Good Shepherd (including reflection on Queen Elizabeth II) Rev Gilly Bunce 11th September 2022 10.64 MB
Sermon for 13th Sunday after Trinity. At this time in mourning for the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, Rev Gilly reflects on the Parable of the Good Shepherd and the parallel impacts of Queen Elizabeth II on her subjects lives.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
True Worship Rev Jon Ormrod 21st August 2022 6.71 MB
Sermon for 10th Sunday after Trinity (Hebrews 12: 18-29, Luke 13: 10-17). Vicar Jon encourages us to truly worship God and not be constrained by conventions / rules, just as Jesus healed a women on the Sabbath.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
God has a plan Yvonne Criddle (Reader) 14th August 2022 14.34 MB
Sermon for 9th Sunday after Trinity: Hebrews 11:29-12:2, Luke 12: 49-56. Yvonne asks us to consider who has influenced us in our faith journey, following the examples given in the Bible passages.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Living Rev Jon Ormrod 31st July 2022 11.78 MB
Sermon for 7th Sunday after Trinity. (Colossians 3: 1-11 & Luke 12: 13-21. Vicar Jon addresses some difficult issues that face the Anglican Church and us, at this time of the 2022 Lambeth Conference.
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Praying Rev Jon Ormrod 24th July 2022 11.46 MB
Sermon for 6th Sunday after Trinity. John (with help from Shonagh) open up Jesus teaching disciples to Pray (Luke 11: 1-13).
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
What comes first? (In the eyes of Jesus) Rev Jon Ormrod 17th July 2022 7.5 MB
Sermon for 5th Sunday of Trinity. Vicar Jon explores the story of Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42)
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An update on our Vision Day Rev Jon Ormrod 19th June 2022 7.04 MB
Vicar Jon gives the Church an update from the Vision day held at Greenways Farm Saturday 11th June.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Wrestling with our faith Yvonne Criddle (Reader) 19th June 2022 13.45 MB
Sermon for 1st Sunday after Trinity. Yvonne explores our readings from Galatians 3: 23 - end, and Luke 8: 26-39.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Putting Things Back Together Rev Gilly Bunce 12th June 2022 8.47 MB
Sermon for Trinity Sunday - Rev Gilly preaches about the Trinity and putting things back together again. Tex Romans 5: 1-5 & John 16: 12-15
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Pentecost Rev Jon Ormrod 5th June 2022 8.37 MB
Sermon for Pentecost Sunday. Vicar Jon reflects on the events of the coming of the Spirit on the Disciples and links to celebration of Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee and her service to the United Kingdom and Commonwealth
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Being on Fire (and sizzle) for the Church Archdeacon Adrian Youings 13th February 2022 10.08 MB
Sermon for the celebration of the old Parish of Worle, and looking forward to the new Parishes within Worle. The Archdeacon encourages us to be 'on fire' for our Church and let our influence 'sizzle' in the community, Text from Colossians 2: 1-7
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
New Beginnings Rev Jon Ormrod 23rd January 2022 11.07 MB
Sermon for 3rd Sunday in Epiphany. Vicar Jon starts to set out his visions and hopes for the Parish of Worle St Martin and calls us to the journey with him.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Celebration for New Ministry Bishop Ruth of Taunton 18th November 2021 2.77 MB
Sermon for the celebration of the new ministry of Rev Jon Ormrod as he is installed as Priest in Charge for the Parish of Worle St. Martin
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The Good News of Jesus The Venerable Adrian Youings - Archdeacon of Bath 22nd December 2019 10.23 MB
Sermon 4th Sunday of Advaent following the Nativity - sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Mission & Evangelism Right Rev Ruth Bishop of Taunton 8th September 2019 16.92 MB
Sermon 9.30 for Trinity 12. Bishop Ruth explores and encourages our role as Christians to Evangelise as St Martin's moves into the vacancy period.
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