St Martin's Church

Tel: 07808832530

The office is open in church Monday and Friday mornings 9am to 12noon

Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Living Water Rev Gilly Bunce 12th March 2023 5.78 MB
Sermon for 3rd Sunday in Lent. Rev Gilly preaches from John 4: 5-42, Jesus meeting a Samaritan woman at a well, and offering her 'water of life'
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Compassion UK Laura from Compassion UK 5th March 2023 20.96 MB
2nd Sunday in Lent. Laura from Compassion UK talks to St Martin's congregation about the work of Compassion UK and what our Church has done and can further do to support children in poverty.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Lent - Giving Up or Giving? Rev Jon Ormrod 26th February 2023 9.22 MB
Sermon for first Sunday in Lent. Vicar Jon challenges us to reflect and consider what we may do to contribute positively to the local community.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Transfiguration (of Christ) Rev Gilly Bunce 19th February 2023 8.67 MB
Sermon for Sunday before Lent. By way of preparation for Lent, Rev Gilly explores Exodus 24: 12-18, Matthew 17: 1-9 and how we should be 'in Harmony' with God,
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Creation (and our responsibility of care) Rev Jon Ormrod 12th February 2023 2.95 MB
Sermon for 2nd Sunday before Lent. Vicar Jon explores the Genesis account of creation and challenges us to be good stewards of our environment.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Salt & Light Rev Jon Ormrod & Yvonne Criddle 5th February 2023 19.26 MB
Interactive Talk for 3rd Sunday before Lent led by Vicar Jon and Yvonne exploring the symbolism used in Matthew 5: 13-20
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Trust in the Lord Rev Gilly Bunce 29th January 2023 7.03 MB
Sermon for 4th Sunday in Epiphany - 1 Kings 17: 8-16, John 2: 1-11. God provides when there is need and we trust that he will provide.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Darkness to Light Rev Angie Hoare 22nd January 2023 11.73 MB
Epiphany 3 (Church Unity Week) we are pleased to welcome local Methodist Minister who continues looking at Isaiah's prophecy of Jesus Ministry
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Church Fellowship & Stewardship Rev Jon Ormrod 15th January 2023 11.76 MB
Sermon for 2nd Sunday in Epiphany. Vicar Jon relates to the early Church (John 1: 35-42) and its Growth and relates to our call to support that Growth through generosity.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
God's Gifts Rev Jon Ormrod 8th January 2023 19.58 MB
Dramatised reading and talk for Epiphany Sunday exploring what Gifts we need for our Christian lives
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A New Covenant Rev Jon Ormrod 1st January 2023 5.77 MB
Sermon for Sunday after Christmas (New Year day) - Vicar Jon explains the significance of making a new covenant with God
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
What's in a name? Rev Jon Ormrod 18th December 2022 6.93 MB
Sermon for 4th Sunday in Advent: The proclamation and naming of Jesus! Isaiah 7: 10-16 and Matthew 1: 18-25
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Giving God's Message Yvonne Criddle (Reader) 11th December 2022 10.16 MB
Advent 3 (Love) - Yvonne preaches from Isaiah 35: 1-10 and Matthew 11: 2-11.
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Christingle and Peace Yvonne Criddle (Reader) 4th December 2022 12.16 MB
Interactive talk with Yvonne & Vicar Jon for our Christingle Service (Advent 2 - Peace of Christ)
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Advent - going on a journey Rev Gilly Bunce 27th November 2022 5.79 MB
Sermon for Advent Sunday. Rev Gill explores Isaiah 2: 1-5 and Matthew 24: 36-44
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Christ the King Rev Jon Ormrod 20th November 2022 6.31 MB
Sermon for Sunday before Advent (Christ the King). Vicar Jon preaches from Colossians 1: 11-20 and Luke 23: 33-43
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Coping with difficult times (Remembrance Day) Rev Gilly Bunce 13th November 2022 5.71 MB
Sermon for 2nd Sunday before Advent (Remembrance Day). Rev Gilly explores the difficult verses from 2 Thessalonians 3: 6-13, Luke 21: 5-19 and encourages us to 'walk the walk'
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Faith - What makes a saint? Vicar Jon & Yvonne Criddle 6th November 2022 15.4 MB
All Saints Day: Edited talk and interactive time with Vicar Jon & Yvonne exploring the qualities needed to be a saint.
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