St Martin's Church

Tel: 07808832530

The office is open in church Monday and Friday mornings 9am to 12noon

Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The Authority of Jesus Rev Jon Ormrod 28th January 2024 6.46 MB
Sermon for 4th Sunday of Epiphany. Rev Jon explores Mark 1: 21-28 as Jesus begins his ministry.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Jesus with us (through Highs and Lows) Rev Jon Ormrod 21st January 2024 6.25 MB
Sermon for 3rd Sunday after Epiphany. Rev Jon reflects on Jesus first miracle at a wedding in Cana (John 2: 1-11) and how He supports us through the 'highs and lows' in our lives.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Responding to God's call Rev Gilly Bunce 14th January 2024 7.65 MB
Sermon for 10am 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. Gilly expands on 1 Samuel 3: 1-10, John 1: 43-51 and making a Covenant to recommit our calling to be God's followers.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Annunciation to Mary / Magnificat Rev Paul Owen 24th December 2023 9.36 MB
Sermon for Advent 4 (Christmas Eve) - Luke 1: 26-38 - The presence of Angels
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
John the Baptist (Preparing) Rev Paul Owen 17th December 2023 2.7 MB
Sermon for 3rd Sunday of Advent (John the Baptist). Preparing the Way (John 1: 6-8, 19-28, Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11, Thessalonians 5:16-24
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Sharing Stories Rev Gilly Bunce 10th December 2023 4.9 MB
Sermon for 2nd Sunday of Advent. Rev Gilly reflects on stories told by our Christmas Trees and then in the Bible proclaiming Jesus our Saviour
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Going on an Advent ure Vicar Jon & Yvonne Criddle 3rd December 2023 13.22 MB
Going on an Advent ure with Vicar Jon and Yvonne for our morning praise for Advent Sunday
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Christ the King Yvonne Criddle (Reader) 26th November 2023 12.34 MB
Sermon for Sunday before Advent (Christ the King) - Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24, Ephesians 1: 15-21 and Matthew 25: 31-46
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
What Would Jesus Do? Rev Jon Ormrod 19th November 2023 12.2 MB
Sermon from 10am Holy Communion 2 Before Advent. The Parable of the talents Matthew 25: 14-30
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Remembrance Sunday Rev Gilly Bunce 12th November 2023 4.66 MB
Sermon for Remembrance Sunday. 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18, Matthew 25: 1-13
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The Beatitudes - A Recipe for Success Vicar Jon & Yvonne Criddle 5th November 2023 7.07 MB
All Saints Day - Vicar Jon and Yvonne expand on the Beatitudes (Matthew 5: 1-16)
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Hands of Compassion Wendy Ray 29th October 2023 11.82 MB
Wendy Ray, who represents Hands of Compassion (one of our link charities), gives us an update of their work in Zambia
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Everything comes from God Rev Jon Ormrod 22nd October 2023 8 MB
Sermon for 20th Sunday after Trinity. Matthew 22: 15-22. Vicar Jon reflects on what God has given us and challenges us to consider our giving.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Reflect (and Rejoice) Rev Jon Ormrod 15th October 2023 7.24 MB
Sermon for 19th Sunday after Trinity. Vicar Jon reflects on the horrific events in the 'Holy Land' and past persecution, and brings together with the message from Philipians 4: 1-9
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Listen Rev Jon Ormrod 8th October 2023 6.23 MB
Sermon for 18th Sunday in Trinity: Matthew 21: 33-46 the parable of the wicked Tenants
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Last shall be First Yvonne Criddle (Reader) 24th September 2023 11.29 MB
Sermon for 16th Sunday of Trinity. Yvonne explores the Gospel Matthew 20: 1-18
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Realisation Rev Gilly Bunce 27th August 2023 8.83 MB
Sermon 10am for 12th Sunday of Trinity. Matthew 16: 13-20, Romans 12: 1-8. The disciples realising who Jesus is!
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Breaking Boundaries Rev Jon Ormrod 20th August 2023 5.39 MB
Sermon for 11th Sunday of Trinity. Vicar Jon explores the Gospel of Matthew 15: 21-28.
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